Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

11 November 2008

who's the boss?

it's strange breaking out of diet mode. i'm having a lot of difficulty focusing on what i can and should be eating. the good news is that i still have had no craving to eat rice or chocolate yet. so i haven't satisfied my crave for nasi lemak - i like the idea of eating it, but don't feel the need to indulge. sigh ... tho i'm sure the need will come eventually.

i've been eating bread and noodles for my carb intake which has been very satisfying, i must say. and i'm still keeping to the priciples of the diet with eating lots of veg and fruit. this child is spawn of a healthy lifestyle.

the other day, i wanted to have a curry puff. a hot, crispy and savoury sardine curry puff. the moment i opened the bag, the smell of the puff put me off big time. but i REALLY wanted to eat it so i said,"you are not the boss of me you little person!" and i ate it. then 2 minutes later, the little person threw a tantrum which had me blowing chunks. "Ya-ah *z-snap* i am SO the boss of you, you better believe it!"



Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

O yeah! sounds like a LEO!!!!

5:21 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

sigh *shakes head*

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that leo is so going to die in the land of scorpios....

so denise u a leo?

u know nat i been wondering this diet... could they not design something for u during this pregnancy?


4:24 PM  
Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

yeah it takes a really brave leo to roam solo in the land of scorpios. Either brave or really stoopid. But I think my survival is owed to training from the Scorp brother since the day I was born.

12:43 PM  

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