Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

25 October 2008

reunited ... coz it feels so good

i received an email some 4 weeks ago to go to a school reunion. it's the 20th anniversary since graduation and some girls had hooked up on facebook and wanted to meet up.

my first instinct was to not go - right off the bat, i could've have thought of a gazillion excuses to give for not making the date. aside to the fact that i'm not into social gatherings, i really didn't want to deal with the expectations and perceptions of how the bunch of us turned out. i didn't want to deal with the sizing up. i know i am not the same person i was in school or that the girls remember. okay, so i still am grouchy ... some things never change.

but when i received the follow-up email (closer to the date) with a list of names whom i would have otherwise forgotten abt, i was excited to go. these were people i'd known for 14 years some 20 years ago. the unsocial butterfly actually wanted to flutter her wings! so i took on the half chicken strategy and brought AG to the reunion. she was my (e)scape goat should things head down south.

but you know, it didn't. everyone was so nice and chatty and were not really interested in the present. instead, we sat in pockets and caught up and reminisced about the past and laughed at old photos. i really didn't want to leave but i did anyways after an hour and a half - which was already a stretch by my record. we exchanged numbers and email addys then set-up our own reunion page on facebook. it's all good.



Blogger Just Me. said...

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6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow your shoulder bones are perking out here.



6:46 AM  

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