Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

24 June 2007

obi-wan : the boy is our last hope/ yoda : no, there is another

i have 3 kids - all different and with their own little personalities. 2 out of the 3 were unplanned surprises. 1 was planned but still was a surprise coz we din think that we'd hit the jackpot at the first yank of the lever. how 2 screwed up individuals managed to make 3 beautiful younglings is beyond me.

as an only child, i've always felt that i have 1 kid too many. as quickly as i typed that out, i have to say that i am grateful for baby bu who has added a positive dimension in our lives. soon after he was born, i issued the memo (which some missed) to say that the baby factory is closed. shut down for good. the mind is willing but the body is tired ... and old ... and fed-up that every time a successful effort is made to lose weight, out pops a bump to thwart the program.

2 days ago, hubs shared that he had a feeling that we'd have a forth. i almost blew coffee out of my nose! he said it was a gut feeling, which is hardly ever wrong. i asked him to have this child with another woman, but he said no coz he wanted to maintain the consistency.

i've had this same gut feeling for months now but didn't dare share this with him coz i was afraid it'd come true. now he has broken the silence of ignorance. i reminded him of the memo but we both know that memos are not written by us but by the big boss in the sky.

so now we wait. with bated breath. to see what HE has in store for us. meanwhile, we will check the condoms for holes.

ps : honestly tho, once the kids out number the adults, it doesn't matter. sigh ....

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Blogger Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

I'm happy for you are the greatest thing...i wish you guys all the best!

5:54 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

no no! silly cow! we are not encouraging this!

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* que sarah sarah - what will be ... will be.

Having said that... your 3 current are gorgeous, but I do wonder how you manage 3 kids solo. *kowtows*

10:17 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

just call me HANS.

hahahahha.... i'm such a star wars geek! *chuckles to self*

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*shakes head* incorrigible.

Having said that... I'm heading down the same route as Jabba the Hut, esp with the amount of food I've put into myself today.

BTW - spent the WHOLE day... well almost... with mum... by 5pm I was exhausted!

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahah.. ur hubby is so funny. but then again, consistency is quite typical of scorps? dont u think so? =)


8:56 AM  

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