Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

31 January 2009

game on!

when i play, i play to win. i'm a competitive bastard and i surround myself with people who have the same spirit. my closest friends are all competitive is some way or other, obsessed with giving their all in whatever they do. drop us all on a pitch and we will play to the death without even needing a pow-wow to inspire. this is what i call having passion and a drive to succeed and to be the best. it's a huge turn on and it gets my adrenalin pumping.

recently monkey boy has been addicted to playing Uno. and i have to say he is getting pretty strategic with his game. we've played some one-on-one games and as usual, i'll win.

a couple of weeks ago, i challenged him for a game and he said he rather play with hubs or my mom. he said coz he never wins when he plays with me. which took me by surprise coz hubs is fierce-ly competitive too. so i talked to him abt it ...

hubs : you mean you don't let him win a few games
me : nope, should i ...
hubs : yes ... keep him motivated to succeed
me : oh ...

so now i let him win a few ... but i have to say, it's such an effort to throw a game.

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Blogger _z. said...

no no no!!!

REFUSE TO LOOSE, NEVER EVER QUIT! is what you should be teaching him!

that's how I roll... and I am a very bad sport when (and IF) I loose :(

12:39 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

i know right!! that's what i say. and i'm a sore loser too. hahaha. absolutely non-gracious.

but i've learnt to dscount MB coz he is the only non-scorp in da house ... he doesn't get this need for control.

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh... wanting to win ain't got nothing to do with passion... I just like to win.

Or maybe that's my passion - winning. At whatever... heh.

7:17 PM  

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