Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

19 June 2008

the name game

i finally went back to facebook today to clear my page and do some housekeeping. haven't logged in since dec 07. didn't realise that they had re-vamped the page and now on the right hand side, there is a list of people whom "i might know". i thot they were all requests "to be friends", so i clicked on a a few (which i thot were suspicious coz we were/are not REALLY friends) before i hit a stranger's request. then i realised that it was the other way around and I WAS adding friends. geez!

anyways, i decided that since i was on, i'd search for old school friends. i decided to go with the poly years. out of the 20-some people that i used to hang out with, i only knew the full names of 2 - one of whom is dee (who by the way, is in facebook denial - the woman uses my ID and password to check other people out. but i love her so i let her do it. then one day, she nudged someone while surfing w my ID. that was when her privilege ended ... well at least until she bakes for me again)


the point i am making is that at 18, we didn't use full names. there was absolutely no need for the last name coz we came up with bizarre nick-names. long names were shortened and short names had alter egos.

so i found a friend and i sent him a message and i'm hoping it's him coz i could've just given a stranger access to my page for a month. which is torture for a paranoid like me. arrgghhhh!

POSTNOTE : it really was him. phew!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If its any consolation - it's limited access... if you page is on pte settings, pple don't get full access till you grant them 'friend' status.

BTW - new little addition on Facebook, there is a little button on the top right corner on the home page that allows you delete all those annoying application requests with one click!

one more BTW - I've added pictures!

12:15 AM  
Blogger Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

sorry, but i hate and am not going to facebook at the mo.

that's just me.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

I'm on facebook? Your sure you got the right dee? I never registered. Is someone pretending to be me?

10:36 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

take a chill pill babes. i said that you are in facebook denial and you use my ID. sheesh woman!

9:03 PM  
Blogger _z. said...

I am still hating facebook... but can't bring myself to delete my page... guess i am in denial too.

1:57 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

yeah ... i'm so over superpoking and throwing animals at people. and all these people buying me virtual alcohol but never really taking me out for a drink! watsup with that!

and i agree, i too don't want to close the account, just in case.


6:37 PM  

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