Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

24 June 2008

greed becomes me

mom bought a shit-load of durians today. she must have had a massive craving coz she came back with 4 fruits! yellow creamy and succulent, oh my gawd, the flesh just melted in my mouth. since i haven't indulged in a long time, i attacked it with vengence.

i feel so heaty now. uugggghhhhhh!



Blogger Homeschool @ sg said...

yeah, i hear ya. I just had 3 boxes of it..kakaka...been eating for weeks and weeks. *BURP* can you smell dat?

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooohhh.... you evil!!! Now I want durians... I can almost taste it... *screams*

Durian party anyone?!

11:18 PM  
Blogger baubles bangles and beads said...

so selfish like what!!!
dunno how to share and care esp. when Maria went over just now!!!

i havent had D for the L-O-N-G-E-S-T time (ohhhhh oh oh O, for the LONGEST TIME!!!...sing to Billy Joel's hit) esp when I found out that each seed contains 45 calories!!!

12:11 AM  
Blogger _z. said...

never tried these :S

are they that good? do they beat cherries?

1:52 AM  
Blogger Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

hate durians.

Z, you're not missing out on any! smells like your pee, sometimes like your pang sai, ie shit.

that's just me.

10:40 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

welcome back stanger : )

pam is the exception. durians rock! they are not called King of Fruits for nothing!

ok ok, it smells, i agree but the taste more than compensates.

but i dunno if you can get them in canada tho. it's an asian fruit. so this post is very much a tease for you then :P you hang on to those cherries.

DG and T - there are still some. come and help us finish before my whole fridge smells of durian.

6:33 PM  

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