Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

23 February 2008


arrrrghhhh! i soooo can't stand whiney songs. remember back in the day when people listened to boulevard or knife. oh man, don't get me started on knife.

niiiiffffffe ..... cuts like a niffffffffe will I ever heeeeal......I'm so deeeeeeeply wounded ....Niiiffffffeeee.....

OmyGAWD! i so detest these song. these back-bone-less tunes really make my skin crawl. the lyrics, the melody (or lack there of), the draggyness. the combination of it all.

now, i have a new nemesis. the song is apologize, AARRRRGGHHHHHHH!



Blogger Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

what knife??? i don't remember... can you show me the link on youtube???

i know this oh life oh

what about this?? too whiney too? like a virgin..touched for the very first a vir--r---gin...and ur to mi-----ine...oh-oh-oh...

yes, definitely whiney....

6:17 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

hey! i like des'ree, she sang about scorpios being cool! now THAT is talent.

and don't mess with madonna okay! sure, she sang lame songs back then. but whiney it was not.

it's the rockwell version of "cuts like a knife" not the bryan adams one ah. i bet you tube has it.

6:41 PM  
Blogger _z. said...


i think it was life cuts like a knife... LOL

i hate whiny songs too... what about james blunt... will he just ever stop crying!

9:04 AM  

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