Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

24 June 2007


the tv is broke. think the kids yanked a cord and now we can't receive cable. (i'm not a gizmo person so it looks unfixable to me) we can however still watch DVD. my TV addicted children were like headless chickens. they were lost and walking in circles bumping into each other. it was amusing. but the amusement was short lived when all this giddiness turned into frustration. which meant it was nap time for all to cool-off.

we got a lot of work done today. we cleaned house and AG finished her scrap-book. we talked a lot. YUP! you heard right. we talked .. a lot. i think i talked more to my kids today than i have all week. i'm relishing this and we are happier for it. hubs is away (again) till saturday, so we prob will continue this bonding for the whole week. yay! might not even want to tell the kids that the tv is fixed!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

TV be bad... it be the killer of conversation and other forms of bond formation. Its also the robber of much needed sleep.

Having said that... it's probb saved a few relationships from falling victem to total boredem. And pple going solo from succumbing to cabin fever.

It's all about balance... I guess... heh.

10:28 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

so you wanna come over to fix the tv? heroes is on on wed. and my right eye is twitching already. we don't have to tell the kids :)

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LoL... your kids are pretty bright u know. I would really like to.. but I got a damn tight week coming up.

10:34 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...


10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no no really... Tmr I seeing CP coz its my only free day. Tues the ID is coming over to do some measurements. Weds I got a dinner appt. Thurs I working late (potentially) and Friday I'm either working late, if not I got my Uncle's b'day dinner.


10:42 PM  

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