Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

18 March 2007

who am i trying to kid ...

new week, new resolution to diet. then the weekend came and screwed up my plans. it's hard to diet when the mother in law cooks kick ass curry. after stuffing my face like there's no tomorrow at lunch, she told me to pack a batch home for dinner so that the pigging out can continue.

i sit here with my belly hanging out of my shorts. i sit here with guilt ... yet i feel completely satisfied. i sit here ... coz the only thing i can move right now are my fingertips. *burp*



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh.. been trying to get on that diet for eons. My appetite for good (read extremely fattening) food keeps getting in the way. Bugger it all!

It's almost 3 months gone into the new year, and I've not made any progress on my resolution - to lose 10 kilos by year end. Guess I have to get my REAR-end in gear!

BTW - in a desperate (very) attempt to get going, I've decided to join some friends for 'dragon boating'. And coz getting on any kind of exercise regime is not difficult enough, I've decided to set the challenge up one notch higher. Dragon boating takes place at 8.15am every Sunday! Wish me luck! heh.

Maybe you & I need to put some competition in place here... should we have a weekly progress chart for comparison? We can dissect our diet progress (or lack there of) as we partake in our weekly gastronamical indulge.

12:26 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

will we need to put up an excel sheet with special formulas and graphs?

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rock at describing my daily struggle with food and diet.



10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course! The more formulas the better. Did you expect any less?

Besides, if we can't convince, confuse. We'll be so overwhelmed by the numbers that we would need a molton chocolate babycake just to get through it!

10:27 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

loving the plan babe! when do we start!!

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about right now!? Or maybe tomorrow... how about the day after?

Time to actually do the 'art of procratinating' piece?

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Afternote - went back to mum's today for dinner. Had buah keluah, nong hiang, soup, prawns, bitter gourd... you get the picture. Diet totally out the window!!!!


11:01 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

last night i had the last of the chicken curry. whoo hoo! i repeat ... guilty but totally satisfied *grins*

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh... is it a Catholic affliction that guilt + satisfaction go hand is hand? Two sides of the same coin...

10:37 AM  

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