Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

18 May 2006

rebel yell

for his 3rd bday, my son received a toy guitar
he plays with it everday, pretending to be a "rock star"

with low hung jeans and a grungy tee
not a doctor or a lawyer does he want to be

just a dude, with an attitude in tow
i know he can't wait to grow

to make music that's his plan
just him and his guitar .... playing a cool jam

thank you uncle B : )

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww..Uncle B is so moved!! *sniff *Sniff..

One day he is going to be rocking with Uncle B on the big stage!

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did i see jamie, the koala bear? oh man... i really miss him... he is just so cute & nice to cuddle... maybe i shd build up my boobs b4 carry him the next time.


9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually what was scary is, I was wondering why was Nat jumping on the bed.. and then realised it was KAY!!!OO!!! She looks so much like her mom in the pic

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you must really have only seen me the dark to make out the features ah. who are youuuuuu?

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your hupband titi.. hehe

2:26 PM  

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