Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

03 February 2009


i dunno what gives. i know pregnant people dream a lot, but i feel that i'm being short changed. i've been stuck with the boring-est dreams EVER!

night after night, i dream of house/ apartments/ show flats. it's about how i've redecorated and have settled into a new home.

all i get are nesting visions. there is no action. no kung fu, no super powers, no explosions, no big finish shoot-out. heck, there is no sex, drugs or rock & roll! nothing! na da! humph!



Blogger _z. said...

There is a time for everything I guess... It's alright.
you'll be sarcastic and feisty soon again.

1:14 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

heyyy, don't judge a person by how vanilla their dreams are. there could be a ripple or some nuts within .... i just haven't gotten deep into the tub yet.

.... yes ... i'm craving ice-cream. sigh.

10:19 PM  

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