Shoes That Fit

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05 December 2007

couple envy

i've been on leave this week, and have been hooking up with the posse whom i've not been in contact with coz life is all consuming.

with everyone i met, we talked abt our partners and couplehood and life. there was envy (why aren't we like that) and other times i think they envied me.

the man i married is not really the man in my life now (although he looks suspiciously like him). the love is the same, if not stronger but so much has changed. we are different people. but we are WE.

ps - i think that last line is as cheesy as fabio is in this pic! it's a pond for crying out loud!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh... cheesy it's right.

Anyhow, speaking of pond - why do pple find it sexy or a turn on to do anything in a pond. Do they know how many creepy-crawlies there are in there!


Great, no I sound like an unadventurous prude.

11:33 AM  
Blogger Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

oi..i told your hubs the dates when to meet up..did he tell ya??? bet he didn't...r u ok either on 26 dec or 4th jan??

QUICK LET ME KNOW..firstly, i won't have a mobile phone when i get back and no puter so there is no way anybody can reach if we set date now we confirm..


11:39 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

4th jan sounds better

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crawling up ur ass ain't the worst place to things to be crawling into... it's the other more personal spaces that gives me the hibby-jibbys.

There is a reason why they invented swimsuits and it ain't just for 'decency' purposes!

*scrunches face*

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R u running out of pictures? i tot this pix will appear on rabsters' blog!!!

seriously think some dewbrain superimpose that couple in that pond, who had a right mind to do this, not even in that era!


12:29 PM  
Blogger Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

oK set... email me your mobile number on facebook. i'll call ya when i get back.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

can you imagine the conversation going on in this picture?... "darling I think there's a bug in my cleavage, could you get it out?" "Sorry baby my other hand is busy removing the leech that just decided to live in my crack." Moral of the story... although they seem perfect, every couple struggles.

10:59 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

bu just pointed at the pic and said "mama". kid just scored some serious points

10:55 AM  
Blogger _z. said...

last sentence is not cheesy.. it's kinda cute...

picture definitely cheesy.

1:04 PM  
Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

my godson is obviously a boob man!

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love denise's moral...that's too true... we often see what we want to in the picture, the couple may be swept away in the passion of the moment but when the reality of their lives comes into focus, it very well could be a juggling act...

6:28 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

oh poochiespider, so good to hear from you babes : )))))))

and dee, your godson is definitely a boobs man. he still puts is hand in my blouse whenever i carry him. it's like he needs to make sure they are still there or something.

8:48 AM  

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