Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

21 August 2006

mish mash

i saw broadway beng last night. it's been a while since i watched some theatre (if you cud call BB theatre). i used to be very artsy before the kids but now i'm just fartsy ... especially after a meal of beans. anyhoo, it was hilarious. the pronounced innuendos and hokkien expressions, he just lapped it up. i may not be able to lim peh kong but i sure as hell had a blast! thanks hor j, for showing me that i still have a life!

the kids have been ill lately and i have the damn weather to blame for my snotty bunch. brought the kids to the docs where we had to empty our pockets again, this time to the tune of 200 smackaroos. angel girl was prescribed a steroidal nose spray. freaking thing cost 43 bucks!

monkey boy just fell on his face ...... again. developed a "bah-luku" on this brow bone. this is after we warned him against jumping off the chair. he cried, and sobbed and cried some more. 15 mins later, he was at it again!

the hubs is away for the week. the man annoys me but i'm a sucker for pain. he's only been gone 15hrs and already i miss him heaps. so this begins my week of terror. 3 monkeys and mom (she's staying with me till hubs comes back on friday). that means every sound that comes from the cott = the baby is hungry. it's no wonder i was a fat kid! the feeding fetish aside, i dunno what i'll do without her.

it's only 930pm but i'm gonna call it a night. been awake since 5 and i'm all juiced out. toodles people!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

*big bear bugs*... just coz...

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

: ))))) *hugs back*

8:38 AM  

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