Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

07 July 2006

angel girl says - 2 much

bread talk
my hair has recently become very dry and brittle. concerned i surfed the net for a natural remedy. i found that massaging a dollop of mayonnaise and letting it set in, for abt 15 mins, works wonders.

angel girl watched as i did this then asked what i was doing. i told her i was putting mayo on my hair so that it will be nice. then she said,"that's a good idea because mayo on bread also makes sandwiches nice"

sharing politics
a couple of nights ago, we were watching CNA's magazine abt Dr M and his relationship with the new PM. angel girl asked why the older one was so angry with his "friend". So i explained that they used to be best friends who used to share toys. then Dr M became too old to play with the toys so he gave them to his friend. However, his friend did not play with his toys the way HE used to play with it. This has made him angry. she completely related and understood what i said! seems toyland is never free of the dreaded power stuggle, regardless of age.

"missing" the point
monkey boy has been creeping into my bed the last few nights. last night i told him that he cannot do that and needs to sleep on his own bed. he asked why. i said because i miss dada (who has been decanted to the bunk). he looked up at me, with his big brown eyes and said,"but i miss YOU mummy" ... guess where he slept?!

sigh ... wish i had more time to engage with the kids. i'm there physically but not as a mother.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angel girl watching CNA??? whats your trick??? what did you do to make that happen? But very nice of putting it to her.. can see the kids are getting smarter already..u gonna run out of answers at this rate..ahaha

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually i was trying to bore her to sleep but she was interested. we later watched CSI together. i hope i never run out of answers for them. i remember, a as a kid, that my WHY ques where always shot down by annoyed uncles and aunts.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just find it a constant challenge to answer their whys in a way that they would understand... and in a satisfactory way.... isn't there an "idiots" guide for adults when it comes to this?

1:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come down to their level, put yourself in their shoes and look thru their eyes.

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easier said than done babe... I try... you don't really know how little you know.. till you ty and explain something to a kid... you cannot do the 'you know what I mean' and get away with it... know what I mean?

1:55 AM  
Blogger Brainy Bimbo said...

Why issit that i always read "im guilty for not spending enough time with my kids" in your blog? Hmz..There is no need to feel that guilt because we only have 24 hours a day to spare and you can't be a 24hours worker + 24hours mother at the same time. So don't be too hard on yourself.

My friend's son happen to just tell her straight in her face one day "Mummy, can you don't go to work?". She felt his loneliness and was heartbroken and guilty. But, mothers work for their kids, so that they wun starve to death. Seeing from another perspective, you should give yourself a pat on your shoulders that you have done well.

I dunno if that helps, I think u are a good mum:)

10:12 AM  

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