Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

22 May 2006

Special Note for the Blog Stumblers.. *by ivan*

This blog goes out to all you blog surfers, stumblers, 'accidentally click and come to our blog' surfers and 'dunno how come I come here' surfers..

thank you for coming to our blog!

We wish we could welcome u all with fanfare, some snacks and booze. However, we know all you valued surfers imagination si beh powderful..(very powerful) so imagine la..

We are appreciative of everyone coming here..but just want to highlight a personal message to those who land on our blog and spend a whole of 1 second here before clicking away...

NABAEE!!!!!!! (not worth translating) Just becoz we got shoe name can step on us is it?? Wait I bring the bigfoot (aka my sis-in-law) and step all over you!! Spend a few more minutes cannot is it? Your life so damn precious is it?? We got good wisdom in our blog you know..dunno how to appreciate! All the stars and planets have aligned together to vibrate in a certain frequency which influenced your personal vibration to get a thought into that thick skull of yours to come here.. and you spend 1 sec??? You are supposed to come is your destiny!!! Now stay a damn minute more before scooting off like you stole something...

For those who spend more time on our blog or better still, comment..

YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!! *SNIFF *SNIFF.. words cannot describe the joy you bring to our little lives by saying a word or two. You guys are fulfilling your destiny by doing what you do!! You are blessed, you are chosen!!! Long Live You!! *Confetti dropping all over you..

So thank ye all who come, be it from the United States, Germany, Cech, Sweden, England, and the good ole south Malaysia ..aka Singapore la... hahaha...we with 2 different shoe sizes salute you!!…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok ok...
this is out of point and out of context to the blog entry submitted...but Ms HK back yet?
(you asked for a comment/a stopover to the site what!)

9:03 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

Dear Storm Wannabe,

how did you come by that name? pray do tell..

9:19 AM  

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