Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

29 May 2006

chew on this *by me*

my dear procrastinating hubster (who is too lazy to start his own blog or tompang his thots on this family blog) has just asked me to blog FOR him. some may call it delegation others may call it tai chi ... i call it a special kind of lazy!

anyway, now that i've bitched, he has this to share with the masses.

"ever notice how sound technicians can only count up to 2 (mic test .. 1, 2 ... 2, 2). today at Far East Square, he overheard a sound tech saying "my chest, my chest wan, chew .. chew chew". he is convinced that all mics have demons that possess the brains of these sound techs and numbs their counting capabilities. but NOW it seems it affects their grammer too. that aside, have you also noticed how choreographers can only count up to 8 (and 5,6,7,8, and 2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 3,2,3,4,....)

postnote:.. then i tried to read back my entry to him and he said that he does not want to hear it and prefers the "bible" approach. tell me why again i married this annoying thing? damn you ivan ... damn you ......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

look @ it this way...
No annoying thing,
No three beautiful angels!
(though at times the 'wish I was single' thots come afloating)

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, in the land of the ole foggies...a certain infamous MC intoned: "dlock! dlock! sound check 1,2,1,2, more base more base."

10:41 PM  

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