Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

10 February 2010


The relationship between two Scorpio individuals is a bitter-sweet one. This love match is bound to have lots of intensity, as neither the individuals is prone to enter into a relationship with shallow feelings. There will be lots and lots of romance in this zodiac match and it could easily result in long-term commitment and marriage. Both of them are extremely passionate about everything in their life and this includes their partner too.

There may be stormy fights every now and then, but then, the reunions will be just as sizzling too. The love of a Scorpio has as much ardor as his/ her hate. He/ she cannot simply love or hate. He/ she has to love passionate and hate fiercely. The relationship between two Scorpios will either be profoundly fulfilling or extremely devastating. There is no middle ground for these individuals.

Their chemistry will be totally endearing and their union will comprise of strong feelings, desires and emotions. Neither of them is satisfied with moderation in anything, they need to feel extreme emotions all the time. They will love each other, protect each other and fight for each other.

need i say more :)

call it extreme loving but i won't have it any other way. he lights my fire in so many ways. he brings colour and life into my world. together, we are electric. we may have our down-times but the journey back to "us" is always something i look forward to.

NB : ok i cheated w this post and copied off a zodiac compatibility link. i just needed a day's break. all i can say is that it's all true.



Anonymous Pam said...

again, in tears.

i'm back at blogging. :)

8:16 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

awww babes *hugs*

i'm gonna check you out!

11:23 PM  

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