Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

09 February 2010


we're both strong headed events people with different ideas and lots of opinions. so it took me by surprise when we were planning for our wedding, that we were right in stride. which was great coz we had a shoe-string wedding, with absolutely no savings.

our budget was "we'll take anything ... cheap" .... and our mantra was "it still has to look tasteful, the music impeccable, the essence unforgettable". we love a good challenge.

i have to say we scored on all three. we had a beach party, in the sunset with good food and the best company.

as usual, i'm digressing.

so back to having a cost effective wedding, we decided to bank on resources at hand and music to create the look and feel that we wanted for our merry making. we were big on making our wedding different. i was in charge of aesthetics, he was in charge of music. and when we presented our ideas to each other (yes, we are anal that way), there were no arguments ... we didn't have to sell any concepts. we were right in sync.

he loved my idea to include various framed wedding pictures of family and friends to decorate our registration table. it was a beautiful and personal gesture. all the couples, close to our lives, lending photos of their wedding day ... the most happiest day of their lives, to us as we celebrate ours.

one of his ideas was that we would not walk-in to the wedding march but to john lennon's LOVE. when he said that i was like YES! brilliant idea. meaningful lyrics, lovely melody, perfect pace.

ever heard the song or read the lyrics to LOVE? i did an earlier post on this. it's so simple and real.

we walked out to U2's Beautiful Day. and it really was :)



Anonymous Pam said...

Your "love" and "bun in the oven" post had me in tears.

6:22 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

i hope they were happy tears hon :)

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Da Godma said...

Your wedding was special babe. I still have all the pix and it still puts a smile to my face...

Love you both to death!

9:58 AM  

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