Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

13 September 2008

baring my soul

hubs and i discussed my last entry. he said that with those 2 photos, i have lost the mystery and anonymity of this blog which i have been protecting for 2ish years. he said now that you have seen my eyes, you’ve taken a peek at my soul. i'm para-phrasing but that what he meant.

i reasoned that i took all into consideration before posting:
1) i thot abt compromising my anonymity
2) i didn't use full-on face shots : face is half cut off in both pics and i used hair to strategically cover my face (some what).
3) besides, how else was i going to show my collar bone AND the no-double-chin.

but all that said, he's my biggest fan/ supporter and i take his critique very seriously. i thot of cropping the pix to remove the eyes, but if i did that, i think it would have taken away the essence of my glee with the effort and results i've made. because the eyes say sooo much.

so ... i think i'm ready. you guys have been reading my thots and experiences, it's abt time you get to know my soul. i don't think i'm ready for full-on face shots and may be i never will. we'll just have to wait and see.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a way to show-off collar-bone, the jaw-line, and just a hint of the soul without the full-frontal... I could bring the camera on Sunday and we could play...

Having said that - the whole anonymity thing, didn't even strike me till I read this entry...

7:11 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

kinky dg ... i look forward to playing with you and that camera :P

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes ah-neh thinks too much.

Email me a full front picture!

9:38 PM  
Blogger _z. said...

I totally understand where he's coming from... he's a scorp. right? so yeah paranoia comes with the territory.. i am the same, and from what you wrote in your post... you are too.

I did at some point debate showing a half/crop/whatever pic of me too.. for the purpose of a post of course, but then opted not to... the only pic there is of me on the blog, is one pic with my back to the camera... and it also took a while before I was comfortable in showing those glimpses... (maybe you taught me something here)

Over a year ago, we had one of those "lebanese blogger meetings". We all met in New York... and had dinner together...
To be honest, yes the mystery was gone when we saw each others' faces, and how we actually looked and behaved... and I even lost interest in reading some of the blogs that I used to read before... just because I didn't like the way they acted, or behaved... when associating the character with the writing... they just don't add up... I don't know...

On the other hand, with other bloggers, the bond grew deeper and deeper, and we are now the best of friends....

When I saw your posts, and your cropped self, the experience was very positive... and I smiled... because of the simplicity in the way they were presented to us...
Your eyes tell us that you are true, and that what you write is what you are... you're just having fun... no hypocrisy and no faking... your life is exactly the way you write it, and this is something I admire...

so... nice meeting you my friend!

(I am sorry for the long comment, just trying to make up for lost time... it has been a while I haven't been blogging or commenting)

1:00 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

yes, yes, yes _z., i couldn't have said it better. you nailed it.

oh i struggled with the idea of posting pics of myself for sooo long. but at the same time, i also relished dancing around not showing myself. but i thot this one time, it was purposeful.

others might think it's no biggie, but it is HUGE for me. a huge step.

glad the pics went down well with you. and it's true, i blog it as it see/ feel it.

glad to have you back buddy! :)

6:02 AM  

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