Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

03 September 2006

warm fuzzy feeling

i had charge of the kids today. hubs went for an event set-up at 7am (and he's still not home yet). i was upset coz it's sunday (family day) and i just lost my partner in crime. also the thot of single-handedly managing the monkeys on my own all day was not something i was looking forward to.

but it turned out ok. more than ok even. i woke at 9 believe it or not. the kids were awake earlier but they amused themselves till then and only woke me coz they were hungry. i gave them all baths and we had bf together. later my mom decided to take the boy for a bus ride and i was left home with the baby and the princess. i enjoyed them both. singing and drawing and chasing and hugging and napping and dancing. i had a blast!

it was simply decadent to spend the day indulging in the kids. i also felt so loved as they hugged me excessively *the girl* and slobbered me with wet kisses *the teething baby*. i watched them breathe as they slept peacefully and i thot to myself that being a parent ain't half bad after all.

i'm going to make it people. it's all good : )

ps - i wish i had a newer pix of my bambinos. almost a year has passed since this was taken. they have all changed a lot. still you can just about make out their personalities, sweet-sweet angel girl, cheeky monkey boy and cuddly baby bu.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww.... I'm quite speechless... all in all, I'm happy that you had a good kids day! You deserve it. :D... plus I promise to take an update pix of the 3 on my next visit... *group hugs*

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

brought tears to your eyes right! (happy tears)

yeah, i had a good day. m freaking tired tho but emotionally recharging

7:30 AM  

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