Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

05 May 2010

Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love ... 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy - chocolate sweet chocolate

i'm just off my high of giving a 25 slide presentation to senior management. i spent the whole of yesterday data crunching then case-finding to support the said data.

went well i think. i say this coz i had some bad news to tell and they did look miserable after i was done. they also had nothing to say at the Q&A. which could mean one of 2 things : i bored them out of their socks or my message was loud and clear. i think it's the latter coz the coffee served was hot and strong. plus i was really working the eye-contact thing.

now, i'm sitting at my desk. i'm eating an apple but i'm wishing that it is a bar of chocolate. dark chocolate with nuts. dark bitter-sweet chocolate with almonds - roasted almonds to be specific. so why don't i just eat the chocolate (coz i have one in my overhead cupboard)? coz i got on the freaking scales this morning and i'm up a kg! dammit. still within range tho but still ... PMS starts next week, so what gives!

alas, my only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathèd enemy.

mind over matter ... mind over matter ...

POSTNOTE : i caved at about 4-some. i popped 2 squares in my mouth. somehow, pre-meditated chocolate is not as good at spontaneous chocolate. the guilt got in the way. sigh.

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Blogger Ki said...

Dark chocolate? Almonds? Sounds healthy to me. I say go for it. Besides, you just ate an apple. VERY healthy!

Depriving yourself of chocolate... does that mean you're also giving 1/4-pounders a miss? ;)

3:36 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

your comment convinced me that eating the squares were ok. lol

fer the record ... hubs ate the 1/4 pounder. you see, the fatter he becomes, the skinnier i look when i stand beside him :P

8:54 AM  

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