Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

09 December 2007

9 days down, 6 more to go

long distance relationships are not my thing. even as a teenager, i never dated an army boy coz i'd only be able to see him on weekends. and that sucks.

now that hubs flies so often, i'm beginning to feel mighty lonely, even with the kids sapping all my energy. it gets worse when they start pinning for him.

yesterday, before sleeping, bu turned to me and said "dada ... home?" i looked and him and said "dada ... work." then he sighed and repeated after me in the saddest of voices - like reality was sinking in.

long distance love sucks.

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Blogger Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

awww, u...hugs!

5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang in there!

6:21 AM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

sigh ... the only thing left to do is to hang in there.....

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww.... big hugs


5:45 PM  
Blogger _z. said...

long distance sucks!

I really know what you mean. I have been with now-my-wife for 8-9 years now... out of which 3 were long distance (we saw each other twice a year).

it sucks big time.

hang on in there...
call, sms, msn, webcam ;) , email...

12:38 PM  
Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

I always thought long distance relationships would be cool coz' then they're not in your face all the time. However, I've never been in one and should be the last person to comment on any kind of relationship. I miss you tho'. Sometimes... I feel WE have a long distance relationship :( Happy 'hubbing' on Saturday ;P

2:20 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

z, i dunno how you and your wife did it. i'd be pulling my hair out if i only saw my partner 2 times a year. that's pure torture.

dee, i know what you mean about us. so close but so far away. oh man, i can't wait till saturday. i'm soooo going to rape my husband!

12:07 AM  

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