Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

18 July 2007

tick tock

we have 5 clocks in the house. all wall mounted. in the last 3 months, one by one the batteries have run dry; and one by one the clocks have stopped or have been reporting delayed time.

frustrated, hubs changed all the batteries last night. when i saw him do this, i let out a little cheer *yay*. he turned and said,"who changed the clocks in your house (when i was staying w mom)?"; "who did the drilling and climbing?". "me lah," i said, which brought on the side-glare-knowing-look from him suggesting why i couldn't have done this earlier and why i needed to wait for him to do it.

then i said,"you know, i don't think we had anything wall mounted or drilled at home. everything was on standing shelves. and if anything at all, it'd be a nail that needed hammering."

well we did not have a man in the house before. now that i DO have the luxury, i feel that all these battery and drill-related tasks should belong to THE man. to me it's like ... what clocks? we have clocks? and they are not working? tick tock boys, better get to it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally concur! I totally believe that there a moments for when we look at a him and just to 'man'!

After all, it's our responsibility to ensure that they feel of SOME use no? ;D

5:33 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

of course! i re-concur your concurance.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent! I'm glad we are on the same page!

5:39 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

meeting adjourned!

5:49 PM  

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