tick tock
we have 5 clocks in the house. all wall mounted. in the last 3 months, one by one the batteries have run dry; and one by one the clocks have stopped or have been reporting delayed time.
frustrated, hubs changed all the batteries last night. when i saw him do this, i let out a little cheer *yay*. he turned and said,"who changed the clocks in your house (when i was staying w mom)?"; "who did the drilling and climbing?". "me lah," i said, which brought on the side-glare-knowing-look from him suggesting why i couldn't have done this earlier and why i needed to wait for him to do it.
then i said,"you know, i don't think we had anything wall mounted or drilled at home. everything was on standing shelves. and if anything at all, it'd be a nail that needed hammering."
well we did not have a man in the house before. now that i DO have the luxury, i feel that all these battery and drill-related tasks should belong to THE man. to me it's like ... what clocks? we have clocks? and they are not working? tick tock boys, better get to it.
Labels: us
I totally concur! I totally believe that there a moments for when we look at a him and just to 'man'!
After all, it's our responsibility to ensure that they feel of SOME use no? ;D
of course! i re-concur your concurance.
Excellent! I'm glad we are on the same page!
meeting adjourned!
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