Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

08 May 2007

same but different

everytime T and i go out, it's a gamble coz we both have almost the same wardrobe. REALLY! so far, we've been lucky - i'm banging myself against wood here!

whenever we go shopping, we end up picking the same stuff in the same colour. cosmic. thankfully, we've reached a point where we have given up being surprised about the same choices, which were in the beginning, freaky as hell.

anyway, my point is ... and i do have one ... is that i have just come to realisation that i dun think she and i will ever look the same even if we were standing next to each other in the same outfit. coz we just wear our clothes differently, well at least we go for different looks.

she's more sexy/glamourous and i'm more scruffy and no-frills (read : lazy). so my paranoia is over. psych!

also T sometimes swings into a matchy-matchy mode

while i like slipping into my polka-dot and stripe mode (it's abt individuality ya'll)

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Blogger baubles bangles and beads said...


10:09 PM  
Blogger baubles bangles and beads said...

i wanted to say something but was laughing so hard that i just clicked onto "publish comment"...

neeways, i wanted to tell you that i almost wore my white crocheted sleeves top with navy tube to church on sunday (though i swore never to wear that top again for reasons i'm not gonna mention here!)but just that we were running late and tat it needed ironing....

bet you din happen to see my jaw on the floor did you?!

10:19 PM  
Blogger baubles bangles and beads said...

i suddenly recalled this!
there WAS this one time that we were decked in the exact do!

we met in Orchard to go for the MNG sale together remember?
the both of us were in white flared skirt and denim jackets. only the inner top was different.

cant help feeling as if we both worked in the same retail store.

ah ha....GNC for gingko biloba anyone?

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*roles eyes... shakes head*, I'm speechless!

btw shoes - for someone who claims to dress 'scruffy, no-frills' u do it pretty damn well. Guess that would mean I'm in the 'throw it on and don't care if it works dept'!

11:00 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

i decided to wear the combo coz i remember you saying that you were not going to wear that top again!! wah, close call.

and i DO remember that white skirt day. but i still think we both pulled off different looks.

think it has to you with you being a banker and me squatting with suppliers, speaking singlish and smoking.

and DG, you are too kind : ) you know i want to dress you up right? you just won't let me

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I do let u! I'm just not very good at following instructions after...

12:31 AM  

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