Shoes That Fit

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05 May 2010

the animal lover

i was reading gary larson this morning while trying to de-stress and not think about my earlier presentation. gary cracks me up. love his warped sense of humour and wit. and his eye for detail that just make me chuckle every time i read his stuff. no human, alien or animal has been spared. he uses his drawings to make a mockery of everyday life. the man is wicked funny! i say, if you can't laugh at yourself, then don't laugh at all. unfortunately, the poor guy has also received much flak from the animal lovers of the world.

which brings me to ...

think "animal lover". good. now think crooked. how bad is that visual in your head? that goes with "cat lovers" and "dog lovers" and all the other types of ... well ... erm ... animal lovers out there. it's just wrong people. oh for the love of animals!
this is not a larson comic. it's a rubin who, if you do follow the far side, has been compared to larson but always never quite in the same league. however, i found this one quite funny :D



Anonymous Da Godma said...

I luuuurrrvvveee the far side! It's been too long since I've read Gary Larson.

Having said that... I AM an animal lover.. thanks for spoiling it for me. :P

12:31 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

i didn't know that! see, after all these years, we are still learning new things abt each other *grins*

your welcome babes :)

12:42 PM  

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