Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

29 August 2007

focus point

MB : mummy, can you switch on the toilet light please. i want to poop.
me : sure honey

*15 mins later*

me : MB you still in the toilet?
MB : yes mummy
me : what are you doing in there for so long?
MB : focusing
me : WHAT!?
MB : focusing ... it's very important to focus you know mummy.
me : okayyyy ... but are you done?
MB : yeah, for so long already.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

LoL!!! At least you know that he doesn't have ADD!

Sidenote, isn't it curious that the acronym for Attn Deficit Disorder is ADD... hmmm...

11:31 PM  
Blogger shoesthatfit said...

i dunno abt that. depends on what he was focusing on.

but MB is such a hoot!

12:10 AM  
Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

Just make sure MB don't get piles with all that focusing.

12:24 AM  
Blogger Denise Oliveiro said...

BTW, I just blink one time and there's the over-achieving blogger at it again. So much to catch up on and yet not complaining. MB makes the best blog material.

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Dee.. you got loads to catch up on! Perhaps you can make it up with more dessert? All is forgiven with sufficient sugar!

2:33 AM  

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