Shoes That Fit

if the shoe fits ... come back for more!

09 January 2007

i got laid 7 times and one other short story

i got laid 7 times in hawaii, my friend excitedly told me. i've heard of hawaii-5-O but 7 times ... most are lucky to experience the big O one time! damn i wish i was single again!

WITH WHOM AND WAS IT GOOD i shouted. she looked at me crooked as i pleaded for the juicy details. NO NO i got lei-ed 7 times!

not sure who is the greater loser .. the 34-year-old who got excited abt being lei-ed or the 35 year-old acting like an 18-year-old horn bucket needing to know about her friends' pornographic lifestyle.

(disclaimer : my friend does not have a pornographic lifestyle although she sure as hell wishes she had!)


i pulled my son close coz i wanted to have a conversation with him. he motioned close then said in all seriousness, "wait, i've got to jump first."

he jumped on the spot for a good 6 mins, grinning from ear to ear. then as quickly as he began, he stopped short and sat on my lap for the convee.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

*shakes head*... after the 2 stories I can only draw one conclusion... only the little one got it together. He knows what he wants, to what extent and he just does it! :D

1:32 AM  

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