creature of habit
i have been on leave this week. on leave from work not family. i brought work home to do but have not inked my pen once. i put first things first ... and to me that's family ... unfortunately at the expense of my work.
extract : Put First Things First - the third habit - says Steven Covey (7 habits of effective people) who describes a framework for prioritizing work that is aimed at long-term goals, at the expense of tasks that appear to be urgent, but are in fact less important.
i just got promoted. not that i'm unappreciative but the thot of new workload is daunting. sadistically, i'm always up for the challenge. how do i keep putting family first and continue with the rat race? actually, i'm not interested in racing but my bosses feel the need to "recognise my contribution". my work is urgent, but less important because my long-term goal is being a suportive mom.
so although i'm guilty abt not touching my work, i'm thankful for the time i had with my family especially the kids whom i had the chace to enjoy and relish.
You always describe yourself as 'selfish', always wanting to put yourself first before your family but you can't etc and i thought family wasn't that important to you until today. For some reason i am touched by this entry of yours. Wow, mummies are really the greatest! (Will i be one?)
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